This website is dedicated to the millions of thyroid patients who are being ignored and left to suffer unnecessarily, and to healthcare practitioners, who want to better serve those patients.

About Us

THYROID PATIENT ADVOCACY (TPA) is an independent user-led, organisation established to ensure that all thyroid disease (and thyroid related disease) sufferers are given a correct diagnosis and receive effective treatment. TPA believes that patients should have access to all relevant tests and all possible treatments, including the prescription of the active thyroid hormone synthetic or natural T3 (triiodothyronine).

Thyroid Patient Advocacy was registered as a Charitable Trust with the Charity Commission in the UK (Reg.No. 1138608) on 27th October, 2010,

TPA campaigns for better education in diagnostics and treatment and provides extensive support and guidance for all sufferers.

The TPA website, online Support Forum and local Thyroid Support Groups are managed by a group of dedicated thyroid patients who volunteer their services freely. These are available to all, and will help patients and doctors develop greater knowledge and understanding about the illness, will advise on reliable diagnostic tests, and recommend where to obtain proper, effective treatment.


Kim Wakelin
Dr Malcolm Maclean MD
Eric R Pritchard BSc (Researcher)
Jenny Stenning
Marian Reed (Researcher)


Dr Malcolm Maclean MD (UAE)

Dr Gina Honeyman LLC (US)

Dr Kent Holtorf MD (US)

Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD (US)


Carol  M   (Admin)



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