This website is dedicated to the millions of thyroid patients who are being ignored and left to suffer unnecessarily, and to healthcare practitioners, who want to better serve those patients.

Comprehensive list of hypothyroid symptoms

Click on the link below to download a comprehensive list of hypothyroid symptoms. There is space for you to make notes about symptoms specific to your hypothyroidism. This can be useful if you want to keep a record of your symptoms.

Comprehensive list of hypothyroid symptoms




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TPA Admin


Moving teeth
Myxedema Coma
Kidney damage
These are also contributed to hypothyroidism……my mother died from Myxedema Coma due to a ‘normal’ TSH. I have Myxedema Coma and not once received treatment even when in a coma, only alive as husband is invited into A&E Resus to administer T3 under my tongue. Now it has cost me my kidney transplant!! I begged for help from the NHS and they rather let me die than prescribe IV T3 or indeed any T3. I evidenced via the DI01/2 tests that I cannot convert T4 to T3, Brighton hospital told me to go to America!!!


Wow. I have or have had almost 90% of those symptoms and yet comprehensive thyroid panels say I’m within normal limits. Doctors want to send me on my way with a script for antidepressants, mirilax and metformin
