This website is dedicated to the millions of thyroid patients who are being ignored and left to suffer unnecessarily, and to healthcare practitioners, who want to better serve those patients.

TPA rebuts statement by PrescQIPP that T3 “….is of limited value and may be harmful…”

Charity Registration Number 1138608




My name is Sheila Turner. I am founder/chair of the Charity Thyroid Patient Advocacy (TPA). Registered No. 1138608. I am writing to formally request that the thyroid hormone liothyronine (L-T3) be removed from ‘The PrescQIPP DROP-List 2015 (Bulletin 121)’.

The length of this response is necessary because the majority of information compiled by PrescQIPP CIC about triiodothyronine (T3) and liothyronine (L-T3) is fundamentally flawed and contains substantial errors of both a scientific and a general nature that need correcting.

The use of the acronym ‘DROP’ is misleading and gives the impression that there is an official instruction that liothyronine should be removed from the prescribing list.

Although PrescQIPP CIC has cited 4 references in an attempt to back up her statements concerning liothyronine (L-T3), only one link, (number 7) works. That links to the original 2011 Royal College of Physicians’ policy statement on the Diagnosis and Management of Primary Hypothyroidism. That policy statement has not been valid since November 2015. Links No.8 and No.9 do not work and link No.10 is also invalid as it relates to Armour Thyroid, a branded natural desiccated porcine thyroid extract (NDT) and not to liothyronine. Therefore there is no evidence to support any of the statements.

In November 2015, the RCP asked whether the British Thyroid Association (BTA) would take ownership of their 2011 statement as “their communications department were expressing concern regarding the volume of calls regarding this issue”. It is interesting to note that the BTA, in their July 2015 Summer Newsletter[91] admitted to receiving recurring criticism from the public that they were out of step with thyroidology in the rest of the world. Regarding the reason why the BTA has, by their own admission, received so much criticism, TPA takes the view that the RCP et al., original 2011 policy statement, of which they were a co-author, did not bear close scrutiny.

Before PrescQIPP starts to provide “… explanations as to why L-T3 has been included in the DROP-List” or attempts to explain “… in what circumstances prescribing might be reasonable”, or suggests “… prescribing alternatives to liothyronine (L-T3), it is imperative that PrescQIPP CIC understands precisely how the thyroid system functions and what thyroid hormones do.[1] 

To read the whole rebuttal click here

To read the list of references to the rebuttal click here


NB: Please note that the rebuttal available above has been amended on 30 June 2016, at the request of PrescQIPP, to remove any personal references to a PrescQIPP individual because responsibility for all PrescQIPP’s resources lies with the organisation and not an individual.












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Wow what an amazing piece of work Sheila, Thankyou so much for doing items


Hello Sheila, this is a very well thought out and constructive response, thank you so much.


What is the current situation, please. .?

t 3 deficiency,

FARR institute and the Health Informatics Centre, University of Dundee:- funded TEARS Study, Link to results of which hereunder:-


A million thanks Sheila


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