TPA Guidebook
Intended use statement for TPA guidebook
The content of our Thyroid Problems – The TPA Guidebook is intended for information purposes only and should not be used in any way to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The aim of this guidance is to present and highlight significant information and offer suggestions and protocols for those with symptoms of thyroid disease and associated conditions. It is the sole responsibility of the user of this information to consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing any medication.
About Thyroid Patient Advocacy (TPA)
What’s it all about?
- Thyroid Problems and Solutions
- Are you Hypo or Hyperthyroid?
- Hypothyroidism Check List
- Commonly Reported Signs of Hypothyroidism
- Standard Tests for Thyroid Disease
- Low Vitamins, Minerals and the Thyroid Connection
- The Basal Temperature Test
- Having Thyroid Problems?
- The Greater Thyroid System Table
- Diagnosis and Management of Thyroxine Resistant Hypometabolism -or quite simply – T4
- Conversion Block
- An Explanation about Normal Reference Ranges and What They Mean
- Getting a Second Opinion
- Free or Reduced Cost Prescription
Nutrition an overview:
- Supplements: Things you can do to help your recovery
- Thyroid and Obesity: Broda Barnes
- Food: Whats Good and Whats Bad for your Thyroid
Draft letter you may wish to send to your doctor
Suggestions for an approach to the management of thyroid deficiency
Why thyroid hormone replacement may not be working for you
Thyroid and adrenal dysfunction the diagnosis and treatment of an endemic syndrome
Fluoride: the effects of fluoride on the thyroid gland
Candida albicans
Some background information on treatments for hypothyroidism
MHRA confirmation regarding prescription of natural desiccated thyroid extract
How to treat with natural thyroid extract
How do you explain to your family what you are going through
The inconvenient truth about inherited hypothyroidism
Going it along: a barrier to self-help
- Symptoms and Signs
- Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
- Graves Disease and Hyperthyroidism When Things Go Wrong
- Surgery versus Radioiodine Therapy in the Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
Thyroid cancer
TPA’s online thyroid support forum
Straight from the horses mouth
Ooh! Should they have said that?
Our founder’s own story
Guidebook ordering information:
The cost of the Guidebook is £10 inclusive.
Click on the BUY NOW button below and you will be taken to the Paypal screen. Once notification of payment has been received, you will be sent the link to download the eBook Thyroid Problems – The TPA Guidebook