This website is dedicated to the millions of thyroid patients who are being ignored and left to suffer unnecessarily, and to healthcare practitioners, who want to better serve those patients.

The Great Thyroid Scandal References


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  141. Differential Diagnosis (DDX) is a systematic method used to identify unknowns. This method, essentially a process of elimination, is used by taxonomists to identify living organisms, and by physicians and other qualified professionals to diagnose the specific disease in a patient. Not all medical diagnoses are differential ones: some diagnoses merely name a set of signs and symptoms that may have more than one possible cause, and some diagnoses are based on intuition or estimations of likelihood. Wikipedia:
  142. Differential Diagnosis is a medical adaption of the process of elimination. These processes are based upon the logic of disjunctive syllogism, which is known from antiquity as modus tollendo poner
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